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Drunk Driving Accidents

DUI Accident Attorney

Injuries Caused by Drunk Drivers

No person has a right to put the safety and lives of others at risk because they are unwilling to drive in a safe and responsible manner. Drunk drivers should be held accountable for the injuries they cause through their recklessness.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a drunk driver, the experienced personal injury lawyers at Beale, Micheaels, Slack & Shughart can help. Our attorneys provide experienced and aggressive representation on behalf of drunk driving accident victims. When you turn to us, you can be confident your case will be handled with the highest degree of competence and care.

Over $140 Million Recovered in the Last Decade Alone: This total includes millions recovered against negligent drivers who have caused serious or fatal injury. Our results speak for themselves.

Drunk Driving Accident Claims are Different

Just because an attorney has experience in auto accident cases, that does not mean he or she has the requisite experience to handle a drunk driving accident claim. Cases involving a drunk driving accident are different because dram shop liability may be a consideration.

In addition to having a claim against the drunk driver, you may have a claim against a negligent alcohol distributor, including the bar, restaurant, gas station or other liquor vendor that served the drunk driver who caused the accident. Dram shop laws — sometimes called liquor liability laws — prohibit the sale of alcohol to people who are obviously intoxicated or underage. Our firm uses investigators and other means to identify where the drunk driver had been drinking and find other avenues of recovery for our client.

Discuss Your Case With Us for Free: Our law office is located in Phoenix, Arizona. Contact us to find out more about how we can help. We handle all auto accident cases on a contingency basis, which means you pay nothing unless we get results.
